An article by Ansgar Buter-Menke
10 days ago, we started our survey about future skills & mega trends in European health care sector. It’s part of the scoping phase in the EUVECA project – “European Platform for Vocational Excellence in Health Care” under the leadership of the “Faculty of Health Sciences” from the university of Ljubljana. We as the German partners invited learners from different kinds of vocational health care trainings in the UKSH Akademie and University of Luebeck + healthcare professionals in upskill education courses and their trainers. One interesting thing, we can observe so far, is the fact of having appr. 30% of drop-offs, who couldn’t or didn’t want to finish the survey.
Let’s look into the crystal skill ball: Was one of our expected future skills “Information and communications technology (ICT) literacy” maybe not available? Is the motivation to win an iPhone maybe lost in the cloud, when the users have to decide between 60 different items in 10 minutes on their electronical devices? Of course, we don’t know yet. Maybe there is also a lack of problem solving skills or just the fact of overloading young students with future thinking. Prof. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers write in his Future Skills Report: “The term “future skills” is defined as the ability to act successful on a complex problem in a future unknown context of action”.
In the Bitcom Education Conference last week Dr. Kaselowsky asked if universities and schools teach the right skills? My counter question: And if not? We looking forward to our survey results, which we expect in the end of Q2/23.
What else in terms of future skilling and thinking. Last week I visited another EU Project (just 300 meters away from my office) about Cross Arts, Tech Arts, Electronic Music & Marketing, called X-ARTS. It was an international training event for artists and event technicians, showcasing today‘s artistic progress, leaded by Prof. Isabella Beyer TH Lübeck. I met Isabella in our new networking through “Digital learning Campus – DLC“. Some of her ITD (Information Technologies and Design) students produce X-Artefacts in their Lab for Immersive Media on the campus. Just great to see what future skills they can improve or explore through this creative international festival.
I was most fascinated by a Flamenco dancer during the classical beats concert inside the X-Arts festival. Future or not, that was pure passion and emotion accompanied by young profesional musicians inside immersive media products.