UKSH Academy

UKSH Academy

With around 1.000 places for trainees and around 3,000 participants in further education and training, the UKSH Academy is the largest educational institution for health professions in the northernmost federal state /Schleswig-Holstein). We are a subsidiary of the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein – one of the largest European centers of university medicine. For this reason, our further education and training offers are characterized not only by an extraordinary range of subjects, but also by the immediate proximity to modern medical and healthcare research and its practical implementation in the specialist and competence centers, institutes, clinics and stations of the UKSH.

Role in the project:

UKSH Academy together with its regional stakeholders will co-create a governance model and digital education and training activities for the seven Regional Vocational Education Hubs in Healthcare (RVEH). We are supporting the platform with our competence in E-Learning and instructional design.
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The sustainability of the European health care sector has been challenged by 6 mega trends over the last several years. To respond to these trends and achieve maximum care quality, patient safety, efficiency, and economic sustainability, the sector has undergone major changes:   

(i) Increased digitalization  

(ii) A shift towards patient-centered care 

(iii) Greater patient involvement in in co-designing care pathways