Helse Bergen Health Trust, Haukeland University Hospital

Helse Bergen Health Trust, Haukeland University Hospital

The public hospitals in Norway are organized in 4 regions and about 50 local health trusts. Haukeland University Hospital is one of the five trusts owned by the westernmost region; Western Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Vest RHF). Haukeland University Hospital is located in the city of Bergen with some units located in the vicinity. It has over 14400 employees at work to provide specialist health care services to its 18 surrounding municipalities with a combined population just short of half a million people. The budget is 14.830 billion NOK of which 630 million NOK are spent on research. As a university hospital, education and scientific activities are an integral part of the day-to-day operations. Haukeland University Hospital has eleven National Centres of Excellence.

Key numbers for the activity in 2022:

984.000 patient consultations

40.000 surgical procedures

11,5 million laboratory analysis

4723 children born

Approx 2000 students received part of tuition at the hospital

44 PhDs

Approx 925 Scierntific publications

Role in the project:

In the EUVECA-project, Helse Bergen takes part in the Norwegian partnership alongside HVL Western Norway University of Applied Science (lead) and Region Nordhordaland IKS. The Norwegian partnership has the responsibility for Work Package 3 in the project. This implies ensuring the creation of Regional VET Excellence Hubs (RVEH) in seven European regions and the base for collaboration and coordination between these: A European Platform for Vet Excellence in Healthcare (EPVE)
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The sustainability of the European health care sector has been challenged by 6 mega trends over the last several years. To respond to these trends and achieve maximum care quality, patient safety, efficiency, and economic sustainability, the sector has undergone major changes:   

(i) Increased digitalization  

(ii) A shift towards patient-centered care 

(iii) Greater patient involvement in in co-designing care pathways