Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EACEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
The sustainability of the European health care sector has been challenged by 6 mega trends over the last several years. To respond to these trends and achieve maximum care quality, patient safety, efficiency, and economic sustainability, the sector has undergone major changes:
(i) Increased digitalization
(ii) A shift towards patient-centered care
(iii) Greater patient involvement in in co-designing care pathways
EUVECA aims to support necessary innovation and development within health care sector by ensuring the availability of future-oriented skills and training.
EUVECA Partners and their regional stakeholders will co-create a governance model as well as concrete education and training activities to support the seven Regional Vocational Excellence Hubs.
A European Platform for Vocational Excellence in Health Care will be developed, tested, and fine-tuned to facilitate sustainable regional partnerships above and beyond the scope of this project.
A European platform will be developed, tested, fine-tuned and made sustainable to uptake regional partnerships beyond the partnership.
The EUVECA partnership is set up as a multi stakeholder partnership with partners from 7 EU countries representing 6 health care providers, 4 regional development agencies, 8 research and educational institutions representing EQF levels from 2 to 8, and 3 pan-European partners.